Známé jako Gap Pad® 1500
Vlastnosti a výhody
This thermally conductive, silicone-based gap pad filler has a thermal conductivity rating of 1.5W/mK.
BERGQUIST® GAP PAD® TGP 1500 is a silicone-based, thermally conductive gap pad. Its unreinforced construction allows additional compliancy. This product has low hardness, and is conformable and electrically isolating. The low modulus characteristic of the product offers optimal thermal performance with ease of handling.
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Technické informace
Barva | Černá |
Provozní teplota | -60.0 - 200.0 °C |
Standardní tloušťka | 0.508 - 5.08 mm |
Tepelná vodivost | 1.5 W/mK |
Youngův modul, ASTM D575 | 310.0 KPa (45.0 psi ) |