Jellemzők és előnyök
This highly thermally conductive liquid gap filler is designed for easy, precision dispensing and low stress assembly. It offers controlled volatile outgassing for silicone sensitive applications.
BERGQUIST® GAP FILLER TGF 4500CVO is a 4.5 W/m-K thermally conductive, ultra conforming, silicone-based liquid gap filler (2-part). It offers infinite thickness variation without causing additional stress to components, and the formula ensures optimal viscosity for efficient automated dispensing processes. This product is curable at room temperature, but the cure rate can be accelerated by applying heat.
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Műszaki adatok
Hővezető képesség | 4.5 W/mK |
Kötés típusa | Hő hatására, Környezeti, szobahőmérsékleten |
Működési hőmérséklet | -60.0 - 200.0 °C |
Polc élettartama, @ 25.0 °C | 180.0 nap |