Được gọi là LOCTITE 8040 Freeze & Release

Đặc tính và Lợi ích

A special mineral-oil based lubricant, formulated to quickly free parts from rust, corrosion and seizure – and to keep them lubricated and protected.
For the quick disassembly of rusted, corroded and seized parts, try LOCTITE® LB 8040. This fast-acting lubricant has a shock-freezing effect that will cool parts instantly down to 3°C (38°F) and cause microscopic cracks. This allows the lubricating ingredients to wick directly into the rust by capillary action. It leaves a thin film on the released parts that lubricates and prevents rust, and aids in the disassembly of parts.
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Thông tin kĩ thuật

Màu Sắc Màu hổ phách
Đặc Điểm Chính Gốc Khoáng Chất
Ứng Dụng Nới Lỏng Các Bộ Phận Bị Rỉ Sét