Known as Hi-Flow® 650P

Features and Benefits

This electrically insulating, thermally conductive phase change material with polyimide reinforcement is designed for electronic power devices requiring electrical isolation to the heat sink. No spill, no mess, easy handling.
BERGQUIST® HI FLOW THF 1500P is an electrically insulating, thermally-conductive 52°C (125°F) phase change material with high temperature reliability (150°C / 302°F). This product is reinforced with a polymide film for ease of handling, which additionally provides high dielectric strength and cut-through resistance. It is ideal for use between a high power electrical device requiring electrical isolation and its heat sink.
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Technical Information

Carrier type Polyimide
Color Gold
Flame rating V-0
Operating temperature -40.0 - 150.0 °C
Standard thickness 0.114 - 0.14 mm