Características y Ventajas

A 1-part, thixotropic coating liquid that provides components on PCBs a flexible, low Tg encapsulation material.
LOCTITE® ECCOBOND EN 3838T is a black, thixotropic coating liquid for encapsulating components on PCBs. It’s ideal for CSP and BGA package applications, formulated with an epoxy-based resin, and cures fast at moderate temperatures. When cured, it provides physical protection, stable electronic performance, and temperature/humidity/bias testing protection.
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Información técnica

Coeficiente de dilatación térmica (CDT), Above Tg 217.0 ppm/°C
Coeficiente de dilatación térmica (CDT), Below Tg 57.0 ppm/°C
Programa de curado, @ 130.0 °C 8.0 min
Temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) 2.0 °C
Tipo de curado Curado Térmico
Viscosidad, Brookfield CP51, @ 25.0 °C Speed 20 rpm 6700.0 mPa.s (cP)