Features and Benefits

Low strength, 1-part silicone sealant ideal for high temperature, electrically insulating gasketing applications. Great on flexible flanges with machined or cast surfaces.
If you are looking for a high-temperature resistant, moisture-curing sealant for corrosion-sensitive applications, LOCTITE® SI 5920 could be a great fit. Its thixotropic nature allows for easy flow dispensing, while preventing the migration of liquid product once applied to the part. It is ideal for sealing flexible flanges with machined or cast surfaces and is particularly suitable for high temperature applications up to 350°C (662°F). It is also used for electrical insulating applications.
  • For flexible flanges
  • Temperature resistance up to 350°C (660°F)
  • Resists aging, weathering, thermal cycling
  • For corrosion-sensitive electrical assemblies
  • Electrically insulating
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Technical Information

Color Copper
Cure speed vs time, 24.0 hr. 2.5 mm
Extrusion rate 275.0 g/min.
Gap fill 1.0 mm
Lab shear strength 1.4 N/mm²
Number of components 1 part
Recommended for use with Metal, Plastic
Storage temperature 8.0 - 21.0 °C