Được gọi là PLASTILUBE

Đặc tính và Lợi ích

A 1-part, general purpose, synthetic grease lubricant ideal for heavy-duty applications and excellent for use in central lubrication systems. It’s also OEM specified.
TEROSON® VR 500 is a synthetic-grease lubricant mounting paste ideal to prevent the squeaking of drum and disc brakes. It is also perfect for heavy-duty applications, e.g. mill roll journals, high-temperature valve systems, furnace doors, and conveyor systems. Excellent for use in central lubrication systems, it is OEM specified.
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Thông tin kĩ thuật

Dạng Vật Lý Dầu Nhờn
Màu Sắc Màu nâu vàng
Đặc Điểm Chính Mục Đích Chung, Sợi tổng hợp