Features and Benefits

A 2-part epoxy metal repair compound heavily reinforced with aluminum powder. Its ideal for repairing non-structural defects in aluminum castings.
LOCTITE® PC 7254 is a gray, 2-part epoxy metal repair compound heavily reinforced with aluminum powder. Its ideal for repairing non-structural defects in aluminum castings, or where an aluminum finish is desired. It has an operating range of 30 °C to 95 °C (20 °F to 200 °F ). Used for repairing aluminum castings, worn aluminum parts, making models/jigs for odd-shaped parts and aluminum dies.
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Technical Information

Compressive strength, ISO 604 9000.0 psi (62.0 N/mm² )
Cure type Room temperature (ambient) cure
Key characteristics Mix: easy mix, Sag: non-sag, Shrinkage: non-shrinking
Number of components 2 part
Physical form Paste
Shear strength, Steel (grit blasted) 2015.0 psi
Color, Mixed Gray
Color, Resin Gray
Color, Hardener Silver